
2024-04-25 00:15:39

Good evening, everyone.  

I am Xi, Zach’s mother. Together with my husband Lee, we sincerely thank you all for coming to attend Elsie and Zach’s wedding ceremony and share in the joy with us today.

Five years ago, at the security entrance of airport, Zach gave me a big hug for good bye. He left us following his heart and dream. Yes, he fell in love with a beautiful girl and he wants to be with her.

Today, here they are, Elsie and Zach, holding hands and celebrating the love with all of us.  As Zach’s parents, we cannot express how happy we are to see him get married to this beautiful girl. And Elsie, we couldn’t be happier that you are marrying our son. This is definitely your destiny.

Zach, you have always been a boy that I could be proud of. I remember the time you jumped in the swimming pool and finished 3000 meters training without stopping every day after school. And now that you are a man, I could not be any prouder of who you have become. As your mother, I am proud for you because you were able to find Elsie, a loving, beautiful woman and we are so very happy to see you for being deeply in love with each other.

We cannot help but think of the future happiness, hope and joy you have together. Today is but a moment, and you now have the rest of forever to spend together in happiness. You will have hard days and you will have great days as well, just remember to love each other no matter what. We love you both and wish the best for you two.

An especially warm welcome to Elsie's family into our family - we are so glad to have you with us today and for always.

Thank you.













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