每一天都是生命中最年轻的一天 (w English)

2024-05-11 02:43:23

最近的日子过得平平淡淡,简简单单。七八月是暑期,很多人携家带口地出去旅游。微信里大家外出拍的照片铺天盖地。去欧洲玩的,去亚洲玩的,去青海陕西到处跑的,想来自己羡慕的。自己一年就这点假,这点时间看看父母、看看女儿就差不多了, 有时还受工作上的牵制。好在我也不太喜欢旅游,觉得太奔波。只是觉得有点对不起女儿,养她的过程中没有给她最好的条件。现在条件好了,孩子却大了,罕有了机会。
山顶上,天空乌云一片,分不清哪里是海哪里是天, 根本没有晚霞可言。虽然只有一天之隔, 美并非时时刻刻在的,并非你想看时就能看到。 黄昏时分的山峦笼罩在一层薄雾中,层层起伏,隐约可见。放眼望去,远处山下白色的楼房,偶尔的暗红色屋顶,几座高的建筑物,几处空旷地和簇拥成片的房子密密交错。这就是我们生活的城市,熟悉又陌生。
岁月带着了青春, 带走了容颜,带走了激情,带走了诗意...... 然而,现在的每一天又是生命中最年轻的一天。感叹之,珍惜之。

It is almost autumn, and you can feel it when the days are getting shorter and the nights cooler.

When he got off the work Friday night, he told me in excitement that he saw a glorious sunset sky with a rising full moon perching over, and suggested that we would go Saturday night to the mountaintop for a better view.

But we were not so lucky this time. One-day difference won’t turn a full moon into a crescent, but sunset spectacle could be just as transient as any beauty in the world.  Disappointed as we were at the dark clouds patching the sky above the sea, we felt refreshed standing on the airy summit.  The undulating hills in the distance were enveloped in the misty twilight. Steep down the valley nestled the modern city, clustered with white-colored houses and occasional tall buildings. We looked at the watch for the predicted setting time, and looked to the west, waiting patiently. Minutes later, brilliant redness burst out noticeably, getting bigger and rounder like a bloody apple, and then back to smaller and narrower as it sunk down quickly. It lasted only a few minutes for the cameras to catch glimpses before it disappeared into the lower thick clouds.


We then turned to the east for the moon rise.  Due to the thick clouds, we were only able to spot the moon when it ascended halfway in the sky, dim at the beginning as it’s behind the veiling clouds. But soon it shone out blazingly, golden, round but soft, illuminating the sky. The moon, the same moon, that has been in existence for thousands of years, never fails to entertain and inspire us. With or without clouds, it is there, silently but persistently.




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