


镜子特别好,而且第一次碎了,店主什么都没说,看了图片就说给我补发,镜子挺好的,清晰度特别好 ,给这样的店主 点32个赞 棒棒哒!


2024-05-09 22:02:14
Send the spring comb really good oil taste is also very good oh
The effect of their own hair, express a bit slow, generally okay
Very good, very satisfied, run out again
Well, the key is fade, it can stick on the skin, feel uncomfortable?
Good quality clothes, like Eason Chan! I feel great, and I'm quite satisfied with my clothes.
Very tall and straight, very comfortable, the next time will come again
Is too small, I am a little low, live a little Hou, dropped out of trouble or stay.