
2024-05-03 12:52:06


首先,亲第一次给我们客服反馈信息说下水后,发现床笠尺寸小了,我们本着服务的宗旨,给亲免费承担了运费重新换一个全新的床笠,可是亲还是说不满意 又一次说我们床笠尺寸规格不对,我们也挺奇怪的,仓库人员特意量好了尺寸规格,还特意套了下床垫试了,都是合适的,在检查好所有细节 问题之后才给亲寄出的,如果说第一次是偶然,那么第二次重新换货后,不合适我们也表示难以理解了,我们可以很负责任的说,1.8*2.0的床,床垫高度19-25厘米,都是可以正常使用的,这款花色客户的反馈都是不错的,但是呢?也不排除其他可能性的,对吧?再


NMC FS8 CAUTION DO NOT ENTER Sign with Graphic - 12 in. x 19 in. Corrugated Plastic, Double-Sided Floor Sign with Black on Yellow

NMC FT22 Fluorescent Flagging Tape - 1.1875 in. x 150 ft, Green, Blank Non-Adhesive Vinyl Marker Tape, 3 mm Thickness

NMC FT4 Flagging Tape - 1.1875 in. x 300 ft, Orange, Blank Non-Adhesive Vinyl Marker Tape, 3 mm Thickness

NMC HH201 Orange Reflective Strip Label - 4 in. x 1 in. Pressure Sensitive Vinyl Hard Hat Label

NMC HM41 Right to Know Personal Protection Numbers and Symbols Label, 4" Length x 6" Height, Pressure Sensitive Vinyl, Blue on White (Pack of 10)

NMC HW23 Notice - This Container HAS Been Triple Rinsed Label - [Pack of 25] 6 in. Square PS Vinyl Hazardous Material Label

NMC IDL1 DANGER Label - [Pack of 40] ¾ in. x 5 in. PS Vinyl Danger Lockout Stick-On Label

NMC INL11 Inspection Label, Legend"Tested", 2-1/4 Length x 1" Height, Pressure Sensitive Vinyl, Blue on White (Pack of 27)

NMC INL2 Inspection Label, Legend"CALIBRATED", 2-1/4 Length x 1" Height, Pressure Sensitive Vinyl, Black on White (Pack of 27)

NMC INL4 Inspection Label, Legend"DO NOT USE", 2-1/4 Length x 1" Height, Pressure Sensitive Vinyl, Red on White (Pack of 27)

NMC INL5 Inspection Label, Legend"Certification", 2-1/4 Length x 1" Height, Pressure Sensitive Vinyl, Black on White (Pack of 27)

NMC INL6 Inspection Label, Legend"QA Approved", 2-1/4 Length x 1" Height, Pressure Sensitive Vinyl, Green on White (Pack of 27)

NMC INL8 Inspection Label, Legend"Rejected", 2-1/4 Length x 1" Height, Pressure Sensitive Vinyl, Red on White (Pack of 27)

NMC ISO405AP Wear Face Shield and Eye Protection ISO Label with Graphic, 4" Diameter, Pressure Sensitive Vinyl, White on Blue

NMC ISO451AP Corrosive/Acid Hazard ISO Label with Graphic, 2" Length x 2" Width, Pressure Sensitive Vinyl, Black on Yellow

NMC LOTAG13 DANGER DO NOT OPERATE EQUIPMENT TAG-OUT Tag – [Pack of 10] 3 in. x 6 in. Vinyl 2 Side Danger Tag with White/Black Text on Red/White Base

NMC M441RB Emergency and First Aid Sign, "EYE WASH STATION", 14" Width x 10" Height, Rigid Plastic, White On Green

Tassyam Shahi Chicken Masala, 200g (100g x2) | Herbs & Spices, No Preservatives, Fillers & Sugar | Dispenser Bottle


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