A.C. Legg Custom Blended Seasonings - Brown Sugar Maple Snack Stick Seasoning for up to 10 pounds of meat - 7.8 ounce includes cure pack

2024-03-03 23:33:46

A.C. Legg Custom Blended Seasonings - Brown Sugar Maple Snack Stick Seasoning for up to 10 pounds of meat - 7.8 ounce includes cure pack

Coarse grind meat through 1 inch plate. Add seasoning and cure and 32 ounces of water until tacky. Fine grind through 1/8th inch plage. Optional add encapsulated citric acid to extend shelf life. Stuff into 18-21mm casings.

Product Information

  • Each bag will season up to 10lbs of meat, includes the required bag of curing salt (package size reduced from original 25lbs)
  • NOTE: Only requires .4 ounces of curing salt, check included curing packet to make sure appropriate amount is used.


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