Black Peppercorn Jumbo Grinder by Dean Jacobs, 5.8 Ounce of fresh black peppercorns to grind for a great zesty black pepper flavor - Grinder is easy to use and adjust desired grind size

2024-05-04 16:26:53

Black Peppercorn Jumbo Grinder by Dean Jacobs, 5.8 Ounce of fresh black peppercorns to grind for a great zesty black pepper flavor - Grinder is easy to use and adjust desired grind size

Dean Jacob s Whole Black Peppercorns with grinder for a Fresh Black Pepper SeasoningWith 5.8 OZ of black peppercorn whole. This is Dean Jacob s pepper grinders largest size.A great staple to keep in stock in any kitchen with gourmet peppercorns to offer a zesty black pepper seasoning flavor.Peppercorns are not only the oldest used spice, but also the most widely-used. Noted to be found more than 4,000 years ago, peppercorns were cultivated as long ago as 1000 B.C. As one of the worlds most beloved spices, whole black pepper used in pepper mills grinder feature an intense woody-piney flavor that is hot and biting to the taste and adds an earthy kick and sharp aroma. Blend into soups and stews, sprinkle on omelets or rub on meat to season it before cooking. Grind these premium quality gourmet peppercorns on tossed salads or steamed veggies for a tasty kick, sprinkle on roasted meats or use in marinades to develop deep, zesty flavor. Black pepper corns is also a must-have for bakers and works well in recipes for biscuits, breads, cakes and cookies.The strong aroma of freshly ground whole peppercorn adds depth when incorporated into a rub for beef or pork roasts. Use whole, crushed or ground for extra snap in recipes calling for black peppercorn.So grind your black pepper whole fresh with a simple twist of the wrist. ‚ô¶ More Flavor ‚ô¶ More Aroma ‚ô¶ Better Taste

Product Information

  • Dean Jacob's Whole Black Peppercorns with grinder for a Fresh Black Pepper Seasoning
  • A staple for every kitchen 5.8 oz of Whole Peppercorns in exclusively designed easy to handle 812" tall adjustable black pepper grinder
  • Peppercorn grinder with adjustable controls for the grind from fine to coarse
  • Grind it Fresh with a simple twist of the wrist. More Flavor More Aroma Better Taste
  • Kosher black peppercorn grinder - Non-Refillable


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