Calculated Industries 8025 Ultra Measure Master Professional Grade U.S. Standard to Metric Conversion Calculator Tool for Engineers, Architects, Builders, Scientists and Students | 60+ Units Built-in

2024-05-24 13:04:50

Calculated Industries 8025 Ultra Measure Master Professional Grade U.S. Standard to Metric Conversion Calculator Tool for Engineers, Architects, Builders, Scientists and Students | 60+ Units Built-in

The Ultra Measure Master (UMM) is the fast, easy and reliable way to handle unit conversions in the field or in the office. The UMM’s ability to convert volume, weight and weight per volume enable you to handle items from ounces to tons with the accuracy you can count on as an importer/exporter. Linear, area and volume conversions are essential for those in design and construction. Working with flow rates and pressure are critical whether you are working with a pump, a sprinkler or a dam and to succeed you need the UMM with its reliable conversions. For those who work in material production knowing the correct bending moment is critical for machine selection and costing. No matter what you are converting, using the Ultra Measure Master will enable you to get dependable answers every time. We it! The most complete, easy-to-use conversion calculator, the Ultra Measure Master (model 8025) from Calculated Industries makes quick work of converting between imperial and metric measurements, and it's ideal for engineers, architects, scientists, construction pros, students, and more. Quick, Accurate Solutions in the Field You'll be able to convert more than 60 imperial and metric units--with over 400 conversion combinations with the touch of a few buttons--perfect for getting fast, reliable conversions in the office or out in the field. Convert between feet, inches, fractions, yards, meters, centimeters and millimeters--including square and cubic formats. Over 400 conversion combinations (view larger). It offers the following dedicated functions: Handheld Convenience The Ultra Measure Master fits nicely in your hand, measuring 5.7 x 3 x 0.65 inches and weighing 4.15 ounces. In addition to using it as a standard calculator, it also offers a "paperless" tape that lets you review the previous 20 entries to double-check your totals plus a cost- per-unit function. It comes with a protective slide cover and it's powered by a single 3-volt lithium battery (CR2016, included). The Ultra Measure Master is backed by a one-year limited warranty. What's in the Box Calculated Industries 8025 Ultra Measure Master calculator; pocket reference guide; batteries P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); From the Manufacturer The Ultra Measure Master is the most complete and easy-to-use U.S. Standard to Metric conversion calculator available for engineers, architects, construction professionals, scientists, and students. Convert more than 60 imperial and metric units and over 400 conversion combinations with a touch of a few buttons, no need for complex scientific calculators or memorizing conversion formulas. See more

Product Features

  • INCLUDES MORE THAN 60 UNITS in both U. S. Imperial and metric units for easy and reliable data input and conversion; enter measurements just like you say them; you can also enter data in various formats and convert solutions to preferred read out; you can enter feet, inch, fraction or decimal inch, other units are entered in whole or decimal numbers
  • GIVES YOU OVER 400 CONVERSION combinations with no need for complex scientific calculators or memorizing conversion formulas; for your ease the most common 43 measuring units are set as primary function keys; the percent key also work for add-ons, discount or division percentage calculations; Paperless Tape lets you recall your last 20 entries
  • SEAMLESSLY WORKS IN AND CONVERTS BETWEEN measurement formats by pressing the conversion key and the desired unit key -- it is that easy and accurate. Then you can add, subtract, multiply and divide your results to get to the solution you need.
  • TIME-SAVING BUILT-IN CONVERSIONS give you all the most common physical units you need to get your job completed in an accurate fashion; whether its a linear, area or volume dimensional item, weight, linear velocity, flow rate, pressure, bending moments, temperatures or another calculation you can convert it so it matches your workflow and project requirements
  • INVALUABLE' TOOL PAYS FOR ITSELF DAILY by reducing headaches, saving time, improving conversion accuracy and preventing expensive errors on your calculations from large to small units; comes with a protective slide cover, easy-to-follow quick reference guide and handy pocket reference guide, long-life battery and a full one-year limited


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