Cisco-Linksys CIT200 Cordless Internet Telephony Kit for Skype
Get cordless handset convenience when you use Skype! Now you don't have to sit in front of your computer when you want to talk to your friends. The Linksys Cordless Internet Telephony Kit comes with the Handset and its charger, and a USB Base Station that plugs into your computer. With the included Skype program running on your PC, the Handset can read and display your contact list on its built-in illuminated display. Just choose who you want to talk to from the menu, press a button, and get ready to talk. Of course, the Handset supports SkypeOut dialing as well as your Skype contact list. It rings when you have a Skype or SkypeIn call coming in, and shows the caller's ID on the screen. The Handset also supports call waiting and Skype's optional Voicemail service. Designed for windows XP and 2000 , When you're on a call, you can hit the Mute button for privacy, or use the speakerphone function to let everyone join in. You can even use the phone as an intercom -- each Base Station supports up to four handsets. In short, the Linksys Cordless Internet Telephony Kit gives you all the functionality of a regular phone, through Skype. You'll get the convenience of a cordless phone and all its features, plus the high-quality voice reception that you get from Skype on your PC, without being tied to your computer. P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); From the Manufacturer Get cordless handset convenience when you use Skype! Now you don't have to sit in front of your computer when you want to talk to your friends. The Linksys Cordless Internet Telephony Kit comes with the Handset and its charger, and a USB Base Station that plugs into your computer. With the included Skype program running on your PC, the Handset can read and display your contact list on its built-in illuminated display. Just choose who you want to talk to from the menu, press a button, and get ready to talk. Of course, the Handset supports SkypeOut dialing as well as your Skype contact list. It rings when you have a Skype or SkypeIn call coming in, and shows the caller's ID on the screen. The Handset also supports call waiting and Skype's optional Voicemail service. Designed for windows XP and 2000 , When you're on a call, you can hit the Mute button for privacy, or use the speakerphone function to let everyone join in. You can even use the phone as an intercom -- each Base Station supports up to four handsets. In short, the Linksys Cordless Internet Telephony Kit gives you all the functionality of a regular phone, through Skype. You'll get the convenience of a cordless phone and all its features, plus the high-quality voice reception that you get from Skype on your PC, without being tied to your computer. See more
Product Features
- Wireless handset supports incoming, outgoing and messaging with a free Skype account (required)
- USB port connects directly to your desktop Supports up to four handsets
- Handset includes Caller ID screen, speakerphone, intercom and call waiting
- Designed for only Windows 2000 , XP
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