CLASSIC Pet Claw Nail Clipper - MINI

2024-05-09 17:01:48

CLASSIC Pet Claw Nail Clipper - MINI


Suitable for small dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, guinea pigs & other small animals Your pets' nails grow continuously but are worn down when exercising outdoors. If the nails become too long, walking will become uncomfortable leading to the feet becoming flat or turning inwards. Regular inspecting and trimming are important parts of your pets' welfare. It is important that your pet is calm. If nervous, your pet could make you clip inaccurately. Also, when trimming ensure that the quick - the small blood vessel clearly visible in pets with clear nails but less so with ones - is not cut. If cut, this will cause pain and bleeding. When unsure, either consult a professional groomer or cut the nail with smaller cuts. In cases where nails have grown very long, trim a small part off, wait approximately one week and trim again. Repeat this sequence until the nails have reached the correct length. Hold your pets' feet firmly but with care and make sure the nails are fully protruding. Cut the nail tip with one stroke. If the pet has dewclaws, ensure they are trimmed too. Remember too that the nails will cut more easily following bathing when they are softer. Trim on a 2-3 week basis. Directions See description


  • Suitable for small, medium and large dogs
  • Regular inspecting and trimming are important parts of the pets' welfare
  • If the nails become too long, walking will become uncomfortable
  • Model number: S2542


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