Dear Santa It Was All My Sisters Fault Black Baby One Piece

2024-03-23 15:21:22

Dear Santa, It Was All My Sister's Fault" is printed across the front of this black, 100% cotton infant bodysuit, featured on a post card graphic. Let's just hope Santa wasn't watching

Tags:0-3M,12,18,18-24M,3-6M,Baby One Piece,Baby-Boys,Christmas Novelty,color-black,color-green,color-red,color-white,DTG,Holidays,Infant Apparel,OG,size-0-3m,size-12,size-18,size-18-24m,size-3-6m,WHT

Size - 0-3M,3-6M,12,18,18-24M

Color - Black,Green,Red,White


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