Emergency Sleeping Bag Survival Bag 2 Pack | Survival Sleeping Bag Emergency Sleeping Bags Emergency Bivy Sack | Portable Emergency Blanket Survival Gear Emergency Bivvy Thermal Sleeping Bag Camping
Leberna Emergency Survival Mylar Thermal Sleeping Bag - 3 Feet x 7 Feet (36" x 84") Do you know losing body heat is a major cause of death in emergencies? How to get prepared? Leberna's thick, durable and lightweight emergency sleeping bags are designed to reflect heat back to body. This is how Leberna Foil Emergency Sleeping Bags will keep you warm during an outdoor emergency in a freezing environment. Another feature that is not commonly mentioned is that Leberna Foil Emergency Sleeping Bags will also keep your body temperature stable in case you find your self in an emergency under the hot scorching sun by deflecting the heat from the sun when used as a shelter. Leberna Foil Emergency Sleeping Bags will prevents post accident shock by retaining the your body heat. Leberna Emergency Survival Mylar Thermal Sleeping Bags are extra large in size, 84 inches in length and 36 inches in width. It has a bright yellow strip on the edge for high visibility. Leberna Emergency Sleeping Bags are so affordable and you get even better deal with this 2 pack package. Each sleeping bag is stored in one carry bag with draw string. Then two sleeping bags are packed into one color box. The color box will be great for retail display. These thermal sleeping bags are made of durable insulating Mylar material designed by NASA for space exploration. The thick Mylar foil is durable and will withstand the harshest of outdoor weather conditions. Leberna Emergency Sleeping Bags are not only for survival situation use, they're also perfect for personnel use. The packages are so compact and light weight. Take them with you when you go for camping, hiking, and outdoors adventure. They will fit in your pocket, handbag, backpack, etc. Store them in your home and car. Always get ready if needed. Read more Material Matters These thermal sleeping bags are made of durable insulating Mylar material designed by NASA for space exploration. Not all emergency sleeping bags are made the same. Leberna Emergency Survival Mylar Thermal Sleeping Bag is made with the premium Mylar material. It has total of 5 layers: Protective FilmAnti-scratch CoatingAntioxidant CoatingAluminium CoatingPET Base A lot of cheap brands jut use 2 or 3 layers to save cost, which will make the Mylar film of poor quality. Read more Strong & Durable Leberna Emergency Survival Mylar Thermal Sleeping Bag is TOUGH. It is tear resistant.It is waterproof.It is windproof.It is moisture-proof It is thin but very durable.It hardly makes any noise. Read more Yellow strip on the edge for high visibility In emergency situation, the shining silver color reflect light and attract attention. The yellow strip on the edge also makes you standing out from the environment. Lay the sleeping bag flat on the floor Simply lay the sleeping bag flat on the floor. Stay in the sleeping bag to keep you warm Get into the sleeping bag and wrap yourself up. It will reflect your body heat back to yourself to keep you warm. Also, it reflect the light out to attract attention. Read more
Product Features
- Losing body heat is a major cause of death in emergency. The Leberna Emergency Survival Mylar Thermal Sleeping Bag can increase your chances of survival in all weather, all seasons and all circumstances. It is made of durable insulating Mylar material designed by NASA for space exploration. It retains / reflects back 90% of body heat. It is Reusable, waterproof and windproof.
- The Leberna Emergency Survival Mylar Thermal Sleeping Bag is extra large in size, 84 inches in length and 36 inches in width. It has a bright yellow strip on the edge for high visibility. It is intended as an emergency shelter, but it is also great for camping, hiking, and protection from the cold outdoors.
- The Leberna Emergency Survival Mylar Thermal Sleeping Bag comes with two packs in one box. Each pack has its own carry bag with draw string. Each pack weight only 2.8 oz (3.0 oz with the carry bag). Each pack is 7 inches by 3 inches. It is very light weight and easy to carry and store in your car, back pack or in your emergency kit.
- Buy with confidence because all Leberna products come with a 30 day, 100% satisfaction, money back guarantee, no questions asked.
- For customers who have never purchased a Mylar Thermal Sleeping Bag or Blanket, it is very important to know that the Mylar material is very thin. It is how it is designed by NASA for space exploration. So even though the size of the sleeping bag or blanket is big, they can be folded into a very small size.
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