FASLINK OBD2 Memory Saver Cable OBDII Connector with 2 Alligator Clips,car OBD Computer ECU Memory Saver Replace Battery Safe Tool for car Memory Saver 12v

2024-03-03 10:11:11

FASLINK OBD2 Memory Saver Cable OBDII Connector with 2 Alligator Clips,car OBD Computer ECU Memory Saver Replace Battery Safe Tool for car Memory Saver 12v

Operating Instructions With a red clip connect to battery positive polarity , black clip to connect the negative polarity (Positive and negative polarity will burn the car computer).Plug the red light, and then insert the car OBD plug, this time has been issued by the sound of drops, indicating normal connection.At this time can change the battery, careful operation, pay attention to the replacement of the battery must lock the car, do not open the lights and other electrical equipment, not to the battery positive ground, otherwise it will burn the car OBD socket fuse.For a good battery, the first release of the tools of the red clip, if also drops at this time ring, indicating successful, if there is no sound, indicating that the fuse burned. Read more Replacing a car battery on older vehicles used to be simple!! You unhook the old battery and install the new one. Late-model vehicles, however, rely on computers that operate everything from the stereo to the transmission. If power is lost to the computer, the settings are lost and have to reset to default. That means the vehicle may feel different when driven, and you may have to enter a security code to access the stereo. Using this simple memory saving device when replacing your car battery will help you avoid these problems. Read more Read more

Product Features

  • BETTER PROTECT YOUR CAR: The memory saver, better reliable on overload protection. powered by starter with a 12V outlet into an OBD IIr car memory saver. preserves vehicle codes and electronic presets, This will be a better choice.
  • SUITABLE FOR CARS: Work no problem as all ODBII ports, It works on any vehicle with OBDII which is 1996 and later . It is used to keep the memory of you setting and other car memory saver controlled devices on the vehicle .
  • MATERIAL: Compared by most of obd11 pro in market, ours are using the high-quality copper wire, silicone flame retardant cable, the flexibility is not easy to burn broken, we are keen on the details to ensure the brand quality and the good custome buying experience.
  • EASY TO OPERATING: Using this simple method, Just insert theTwo shelvesre spectively plug to battery and insert into 16 pin plug to the OBD port of the car you want to replace battery.(Instructions are included in the package)
  • AVOID INFORMATION LOSS: Keep the car computer memory dashboard information, acoustics, memory seats, digital clock etc. Preserves vehicle codes and electronic presets.


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