Finger Weights Original - Set of 5 - for Music Sports Gamers and Health Black or Multicolor Grip Strength Hand Grip Strengthener Speed Trainer (Blue) Blue

2024-08-02 21:58:14

Finger Weights Original - Set of 5 - for Music Sports Gamers and Health Black or Multicolor Grip Strength Hand Grip Strengthener Speed Trainer (Blue)

FingerWeights Health & Wellness Aspects FingerWeights apply the basic principles of progressive resistance training as a means to increase gentle range of motion, endurance, flexibility, dexterity, precision, and overall strength. Both the Original and Flex models provide proprioceptive and kinesthetic input so the person can better sense the position and movement of their fingers. Utilized by amateurs to professionals, incorporated by teachers across multiple disciplines, and users spanning multiple demographics, FingerWeights were invented by a middle aged amateur guitar player trying to improve his endurance and dexterity by taping nickels (5g/each) to his pinky and ring fingers. His idea worked, and shortly thereafter the first generation of FingerWeights had been invented. FingerWeights work both the extensor and flexors, while simultaneously allowing the fingers to operate independently of one another. Musicians at ALL Levels Along with the more obvious health and wellness aspects, musicians will benefit from incorporating FingerWeights into their practice regimens. A music teacher who utilizes FingerWeights with their students states, the positive effects of FingerWeights can be felt after first use, "often musicians have issues moving too fast...FingerWeights help users to be more diligent and precise." FingerWeights are Unique Whether it's being able to play longer before fatigue sets in, or finally being able to reach certain chords, FingerWeights are unique as they allow the fingers to operate independently while on, and can be worn while practicing the users' chosen instrument. From guitarists to pianists to drummers to flautists (Flex model recommended for percussion), FingerWeights promote healthy fingers & hands! FingerWeights Use Cases String Instruments Brass Instruments Woodwind Instruments Percussion Instruments (Flex Model Only) Read more Medical Endorsement With the introduction of FingerWeights, the recommendations, and prognosis for patients with hand and finger conditions has improved dramatically. Patients can start a structured exercise program for their fingers, which they can use at home, work, or during physical therapy. Therapists can incorporate these into any treatment plan targeting the fingers and hands. Providing patients with an effective, uncomplicated and non-strenuous exercise program, FingerWeights can be used anywhere, any time. Not only do patients see an increase in endurance and flexibility, the hands feel stronger as the patient moves through the exercises. The added strength, and overall finger, and hand, performance, can help in activities like grooming, cooking, cleaning, or even something as simple as typing an email. Although FingerWeights are not a “cure,” they can help keep the fingers and hands, strong and flexible, allowing patients to continue being as independent as possible. Judith E. Frank, MD Read more Original & Flex Models Both FingerWeight models, Original & Flex, are available as a 5-Set or 10-Set, each including enough weights and rings for five, or ten, fingers respectively. The Flex Model is available in Black with Green straps, and the Original Model is available in the following colors... Black Multicolor Blue Green Red Orange Yellow White Training With FingerWeights NOT a Substitute for Talent Unfortunately, FingerWeights users' won't see an uptick in talent levels. As the old saying goes, "some can, and some can't." However, regardless of a musicians talent level, or whether they play their chosen instrument(s) around camp fires, alone in their bedrooms, or in front of sold out stadium sized crowds, training with FingerWeights will improve their overall functionality... Just think, back in the day Musicians used to try and utilize Tennis Balls to exercise their fingers! Endurance Flexibility Range of Motion Precision Strength Proprioception Kinesthetic Feedback Dexterity Read more Original 5-Set Original 10-Set Flex 5-Set Flex 10-Set Number of Rings 5-Set 10-Set 5-Set 10-Set Independent Finger Exercises (Rehabilitation, Therapy, OTs, PTs, RA) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Playing Brass, String Woodwind Instruments ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Drumming (Rigorous Movement) ✓ ✓ eSports/ Gaming ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Athletics (Basketball, Basdeball, Football, Volleyball) ✓ ✓ Typing (Coding, Office Workers, Court Reporters) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

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