Golden Retriever-Sleeping Pearl in Christmas Two Sided Ornament

2024-07-22 08:00:29

Product Information

  • The product is made from mica plastic.
  • The printed design is clear to ensure no color is faded.
  • All the molds will be put into 85x85mm plastic sheet for cutting.
  • A hole and twinkle thread attached to strap.
  • Ornament is used to display as home decoration or meaningful gifts for friends and relatives in special occasions such as Christmas, Valentine, birthday, etc.
  • Suitable for expressing your personality.
  • P/S: There are no real lights.

Tags:before_210631,display_list_image,dog ornament,G190019,gg ornament,Ornament

Package - PACK 1,PACK 2 - 10% OFF,PACK 3 - 10% OFF,PACK 5 - 20% OFF,PACK 10 - 30% OFF


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