Hilton Herbs Kitty Kalm 50 ml
Size Name:50 ml We all try to do the very best for our pets, providing a healthy diet, mental and physical stimulation, and all the care and love we can give them. Unfortunately, despite our best laid plans situations will arise that can have a negative effect on our pets, such as moving home, changes in the environment, the introduction of a new pet or baby, or loud and sudden noises. When these things happen, your pet may find it hard to adapt and relax. If you feel your cat needs extra emotional support the use of our sweet-tasting palatable mixture of pure herbal extracts and vegetable glycerine may be the answer. Ingredients Extracts of Marshmallow Root, Oat Seed, Lemon Balm herb, Valerian root, Vervain herb, Chamomile flowers, Vegetable Glycerine P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); Directions Administer orally. Shake well before use. Dosage: 4 drops per 1 kg body weight twice daily. Pippette included. Safety Warning For amimal use only. Keep out of reach of children and animals for which product is intended. See more
Product Features
- Maintains a calm and relaxed outrlook
- Completely natural
- Human grade ingredients
- Fomulated by medical herbalist
- Bottle lasts approx 30 days
Size Name - 50 ml