JERK. -- It's not set in stone whether this shirt refers to the wearer or the viewer. For some people, it's a warning to others that you won't be apologizing for it today. For others, it's about letting people know what you generally think of others, and it becomes a subtle dominance play. Printed on a black, 100% cotton t-shit. And by the way, only dickheads think too hard about this shit. Jerk.
Tags:2XL,BLK,color-black,Finished Goods,Humor,LG,MD,Men's Apparel,Men's T-Shirts,Mens,OG,Parody,size-2xl,size-lg,size-md,size-sm,size-xl,SM,XL
Size - 2XL,LG,MD,SM,XL
Color - Black