Watch great, put on temperament up up up! Super like, send the battery and bracelet. ????? a very satisfactory shopping, la la la la la la la la
Thin and small! Good-looking! Is this good quality packaging what so cute - although it's not the taste of love sachet sent a bracelet

Post two a a friend to think more beautiful brown may be too far away from Guangzhou to Heilongjiang in Harbin six days ago by something else has come from Guangzhou not so slow I think a lost thing is good Bang Bang Da

The family watches are very good art, love do not know what a good choice, choose the best selling buy color but was baffled, and finally bought a color map according to the Lord, after the receipt was not very disappointed, brown temperament does not pick

Look good, whether it is a fat girl or slim girl, are suitable for this watch, my hand skeleton is relatively small, wear a little loose, if you can open more than one hole is better! A very capable temperament!