Love Grandmalife Gnome

2024-06-08 14:43:16

Love Grandmalife Gnome

These pillows are super soft and durable which means they are a fully functional piece of art that are meant to be used.

All pillows are polyester microfiber (burlap) but they feel a little different. The outdoor is a smooth and durable feel while the indoor is a bit softer. Printed in sublimation, usually only on the front. Shipped in poly mailer bags/smaller packages. Pillows are the blown and sewn variety so they do not have a removable cover. Best way to clean these is spot cleaning and not in a washing machine.

    Tags:before_210631,blanket_multi_image,display_list_image,Easter day,G190022,grandma,group-Love Grandmalife Gnome-20212502,rdm,Women

    Color - White

    Size - 16,18


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