movietime (2023-11-10 14:27:09)

购买经历: 之前已经购买过张爱玲的小说套装,都是新版的。这次看到这些剩下的出版的,也陆陆续续的购买了。读书感悟: 对张爱玲的了解主要还是来自于电影和林夕的歌词。想,通读张爱玲,应该不是一遍就可以的。封面的月亮在张爱玲的文章中是极重要的意象,但实物不如图片好看。《爱憎表》中有不少内容在《雷峰塔》中已经拜读过了,“人们往往排着长队去买他们不需要的东西”。

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The quality is not good, I thought it was a small, too big, useless, give someone a good, not love bags, carrying a small, big tilted back. How to see how strange.

Cheap and good quality, color is also very red, bought a wedding. Love it。 Very satisfied!

Baby very much like, pocket more practical and good-looking, but the taste is really a little big, the sun is still used with a great taste of … &hellip, and then, a little bit of zipper cut hand

Looks very good, feels very soft, but the color is slightly dark, the overall.

Shipping is also very fast, very good bag

Can still

The quality is very good, very satisfied, very like

Bag received, very good looking, small bag, but can put quite a lot of things, courier is quite fast

Large color difference

Style simple and generous, good quality

Very good, very satisfied, fit, not through out, wearing again added unlike dozens of pieces of money.

It's beautiful. It's just the right size. There is a piece of hardware is not very easy to use, a little loose, always drop tape.

I got a pair of shoes, the heel feeling started to buy is too low, and then sent to friends, but also bought a pair of 8 cm, the shoes are very accurate, wearing not pinch feet!

Watch time is good, the chain is also not afraid of tungsten, scratches, can waterproof, praise

The clothes received, express the door and I did not say I wait a few days, but not white clothes are really good quality of love gave a small gift

The arrival of the goods, my father to take, go back to see the situation in the evening

Apple is very fresh, packaging is very good, especially for?? rotten fruit, express little brother praise, help delivery on the 7 floor. Next time you will buy

Trash quality is good, the size is right, likes to start quickly

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