MVMT Sports Basketball Coaching Playbook by MVMT sports.,Capture Plays,Drills and Opponent Scouting,Advanced Notebook for Basketball Coaches,A5
Practice Notepad Playbook Game Card Best use Practice Plan Idea capture Game Plan
- The MVMT playbook enables coaches to quickly capture ideas and observations of plays, drills and scouts while prompting coaches to think beyond what they coach (the technical/tactical) and consider how, who and why they coach.
- BE PREPARED - be ready for any tactical situation your team encounters by exploring tactical concepts and actions. Gain the trust of players and fellow coaches.
- CAPTURE IDEAS quickly and easily - never lose an idea about team plays, practice drills or opponent scouting. Use it while watching games on video or take it with you to practices, games or scouting trips.
- IMPROVE YOUR COACHING - use the 55 reflection questions to go beyond X's and O's, challenge yourself to grow as a coach and gain confidence from reflecting on your ideas.
- BE A DIFFERENCE MAKER - go beyond technical/tactical coaching and better understand yourself and the people you coach.
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