NNuodekeU Tick Remover Tool | Tick-Off Pro | Hygienic All Stainless Steel Tick Removal Tool with Leather Case
BEST TICK REMOVERS FOR PEOPLE OR PETS - Kit includes stainless steel tick remover for safely removing larger embedded ticks, and a specially shaped super-fine-tip tweezer for removing nymphs and small deer ticks, in a leatherette pouchUNIVERSITY TESTED - The tools in this tick removal kit have been field-tested and designed for easily and safely removing embedded adult and nymph ticks from humans, dogs, cats, or other petsFREE TICK IDENTIFICATION CARD to easily identify the most common species of ticks in the United StatesSUPPORT LYME DISEASE RESEARCH - A portion of the proceeds of this tick remover kit helps fund university research on ticks and Lyme diseasePERFECT FOR OUTDOORS ENTHUSIASTS - Keep your tick remover kit in your first aid kit, glove compartment, or backpack to easily remove ticks wherever you go
Product Features
- Instrument safely removes entire tick of any size with ease, reducing the risk of possible infection.
- "Folding All In One" patent pending compact stainless steel surgical grade instrument removes any size tick.
- Specially designed pin-point sharp tick tweezers will safely, easily and completely remove the entire tick.
- Slotted fork instrument will quickly and easily remove entire engorged ticks of all sizes from pets or humans.
- Protective leather case keeps tick removal instrument in clean and sterile environment.
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