SOURCEONE.ORG Premium Acrylic 8.5 x 11 Inches Slanted Sign Holders with Business Card Holder
Product Features
- PROFESSIONAL QUALITY. Measuring 8.5 x 11 and made of top-quality acrylic, this sign holder features excellent durability and resiliency. It wont break even if it hits the ground, so its ideal for high countertops. It has smooth edges and is transparent. It also protects its contents from dirt, so posters and images will remain readable. Acrylic is a shatter-resistant material that boasts great strength despite its light weight.
- REDESIGNED. This unique redesign takes our classic signholder and makes it even better then the original. This new sign holder sits perfectly on you desk or countertop giving you a sleek modern look. Easy to use, simply slip in the new sign into the bottom.
- SOURCEONE. The ideal sign holder for your ads and certificates. The heavy-duty acrylic frame protects paper from dirt and dust. You can simply wipe off the outside, while the photo remains clean. It is also highly resistant to scratches, making SourceOne a long-lasting office product.
- MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. SourceOne products are always in stock, and we offer a money-back guarantee. Our fast shipping ensures that your order arrives fast, safe, and in top-notch condition. That means no damage, no scratchesthe best condition possible. If youre not satisfied with your order, we promise to return your hard-earned money. Customers like you are our number-one priority, and if youre happy, it means weve done our job.
Size - 1 Pack