South Carolina State Flag Needlepoint Wallet in Palmetto Blue by Smathers & Branson

2024-07-30 11:33:29

- English bull hide finish
- Tanned in Italy
- 4" by 3" when folded
- Displays the South Carolina Flag

Tags:$100 to $200,100-150,Accessories,Accessories Wallets,Blue,brand_smathers-and-branson,color_blue,color_needlepoint,dupecontent,Fall17,Fall18,Fall19,Gameday University of South Carolina,Needlepoint,no-discount,One Size Fits All For Him,product-type_wallets,Restock Fall17,RS Fall16,Smathers & Branson,Spring17,Spring18,Spring19,TryNow,University of South Carolina,updatecontent,Wallets

Color - Blue


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