Texas Instruments TI-34 MultiView Scientific Calculator Blue, White Single Pack

2024-02-27 10:06:23

Texas Instruments TI-34 MultiView Scientific Calculator

Intermediate, four-line scientific calculator with advanced fraction capabilities for middle school math and science. Key Features: Four-line display One- and two-variable statistics MathPrint™ feature Advanced fraction capabilities Step-by-step fraction simplification Edit, cut, and paste entries Solar and battery powered Ideal For: Middle School math Pre-Algebra Algebra 1 and 2 General science Geometry

Product Features

  • 4-line display enables scrolling and editing of inputs
  • Same functionality as the TI-34II Explorer plus display and feature enhancements
  • MATHPRINT mode for input in math notation, including pi, square roots, fractions, percent's and exponents plus math notation output for fractions
  • Previous Entry - Lets you review previous entries and look for patterns.
  • Menus - Easy to read and navigate pull-down menus similar to those on a graphing calculator.
  • All mode settings are located in one central place, the mode screen.
  • Scientific Notation Output - View scientific notation with the proper superscripted exponents and see the output in scientific notation.
  • Table feature - Easily explore an (x, y) table of values for a given function, automatically or by entering specific x values
  • Fraction features - View and perform fraction computations and explorations in familiar textbook format.


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