The ballad of Jansen tree inch left hand guitar box backhand corner missing fillet inch single board

2024-04-10 14:15:17


最近的我只有一个字:“忙”。刚把出差的老公接回家,以为他会带些国内的月饼,结果答:“没带”海关查得很严。...“啊----- 以为会带回月饼,一盒都没买呢。”
没时间出去买了,赶紧做。翻出20多年前带的宝书 - “上海家常菜”

1. 面粉 (All Purpose Flour):750 g
2. Lard:225 g
3. 绞肉 (Ground Pork):1 lb
4. 绍酒 (Cooking Wine):2 TSB
5. 酱油 (Soy Source):3 TSB
6. 蚝油 (Oyster Sauce):1 TSB
7. 糖 (Suger):2 tsb

* 饼皮的做法 (dough/moon cake skin instruction)

取250 g 面粉搓擦入Lard 125 g, 搓擦成干油酥面团, 分成30 份
另外面粉500 g 中调入Lard 100g, 清水200 g , 揉匀成光滑而不粘手的水油酥面团, 分成30 份
一份水油酥面团包入一份干油酥面团, 搓圆搓扁,擀成簿片,顺长卷起,卷筒两端折成中间,使之成三叠,压扁擀成圆形饼皮

* 肉馅的做法 (filling instruction):

将 4, 5, 6, 7 加入绞肉中 , 用力顺一个方向搅打至上劲. ( 这个馅有点老大房的味道哟 )

* 将肉馅包入饼皮 ( moon cake instruction)

divide dough to small pieces, flatten small pieces to thin circle

Place one portion of the ground pork filling in the center of each dough circle

Wrap the dough to enclose the filling

* 入烤箱 400 F, 烤 20 分钟即可.

Preheat oven to 400F, bake 20 min

Ready to serve


豆沙 百果月饼的制作方法 :

1. 罐装红豆沙

2. 果仁 : 核桃 , 花生 , 葵花子 , 南瓜子 , 松子 , 芝麻 , 葡萄干...

将 2 拌入 1 内 , 即成豆沙 百果馅 , 包入饼皮 , 入烤箱 400 F, 烤 20 分钟即可.

一个意外的收获 : 因豆沙 百果馅有剩 , 就用现成的 Pie Crest 当饼皮, 入烤箱 400 F, 烤 20 分钟, 非常好吃呢 . 明年就用这个当饼皮, 简单又可口.






The ballad of Jansen tree inch left hand guitar box backhand corner missing fillet inch single board

The store for the entity, and training and wholesale. 1, and the mall workers with different package delivery, please, professional guitar tuners for Factory Pro adjust the string with the fingerboard strings according to distance, comfortable, easy to learn more. 2, close to the force, the commitment is better than peers, better than the factory! Seven days no reason to return, one year warranty. 3, lifetime free to answer the question of the pro guitar encountered, all models almost wholesale price to sell, rest assured that the use of!


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