WOODHAVEN CALLS TKM Red Wasp Copperhead II Turk Game Call, Pack of 3, WH068

2024-02-23 08:20:22

WOODHAVEN CALLS TKM Red Wasp Copperhead II Turk Game Call, Pack of 3, WH068

The Killing Machine Turkey Call Combo includes three of Woodhaven's most popular diaphragm calls. The combo includes the Red Wasp, Copperhead and Copperhead II. With these three calls at your side this spring you will be able to fool even the wariest of toms this spring.

Product Features

  • These three calls consist of Red Wasp Copperhead and Copperhead II
  • Red Wasp - WoodHaven's Red Wasp diaphragm call is a best seller among WoodHaven's mouth calls! The Red Wasp is a 3 reed call made up of a red latex top reed and two straight prophylactic reeds. The Red Wasp produces a sweet nasal young hen tone. When pushed for cutting and loud yelping it breaks ove
  • Copperhead - WoodHaven's Copperhead diaphragm call is a good example of how we at WoodHaven stay on the cutting edge of diaphragm call acoustics. The CopperHead is a 3 reed call that features one reed of orange silky textured latex with a snake tongue cut over two clear reeds. The Copperhead is best
  • Copperhead II - WoodHaven's CopperHead II diaphragm call features a special YELLOW latex combination with a snake tongue combo cut' making it great for raspy yelps excited cutting hard or soft clucks and hitting the high notes.


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