WORK HARDER! MILLIONS ON WELFARE DEPEND ON IT! -- Do your part to fight the freeloader, kick the coasters, and teach the blood-sucking ticks on the hairy ass of society a lesson! Well, this shirt probably won't do that, but maybe it will make someone stop and think about where all their energies are going in the form of taxes. And that's always a good thing. Printed on a light blue, 100% cotton t-shirt."
Tags:2XL,BLU,color-light-blue,Finished Goods,Humor,LG,MD,Men's Apparel,Men's T-Shirts,Mens,OG,Parody,size-2xl,size-lg,size-md,size-sm,size-xl,SM,XL
Size - 2XL,LG,MD,SM,XL
Color - Light Blue